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admin, Author at West End Mediation

Author: admin

  • Spousal Support

    Spousal Support Guidelines serve as a tool to enable financial equity between ex-partners after separation. Either partner can seek support, and fault is not a consideration in entitlement. Spousal Support is not an automatic right and is not restricted to married partners. In Ontario, the Spousal Support Advisory Guideline is a reference range for the…

  • Child Support

    Child Support

    The Canadian government makes it clear, regardless of the status of your romantic relationship with your co-parent, if you have conceived a child, or played the role of standing in the place of a parent, then you are subject to Child Support obligations and Section 7 Expenses.  Part 1. Monthly Child Support Obligation The purpose…

  • Financial Support

    A common fear amongst partners during separation or divorce is affordability. Can you afford your home, or will you need to move? Will you be able to retire? Divorce does shift the distribution of income once dedicated to a single family to now support the needs across two homes.  There are two areas of consideration…

  • Parenting Plans

    Generally, when responsibility for a child is shared with another person, you and that individual are forever intertwined as parenting partners for the length of the child‘s life. When parents separate, the change in family structure can have profound emotional effects on everyone, but children are particularly vulnerable to feelings of anxiety, fear, and isolation.…

  • Separation & Divorce

    The decision to end your romantic relationships has been made. If you are married or living as common-law, there are decisions over what happens next that you both need to resolve. These difficult conversations can lead to increased tension, positional arguments, and defend actions fracturing your ability to communicate.  In Mediation Christine will facilitate your…

  • Division of Assets

    When separating the legal identity of a relationship informs a party’s rights over how assets are divided.  Did you know? In Ontario the Family Law Act, provides for the equal division of financial gains made during a marriage, only to legally recognized married partners. Whereas common-law partnerships are limited to the assets that they brought…

  • Pre-Nuptial & Co-Habitation Planning

    Whether you are looking to move in together or planning your wedding, it is an exciting period in your partnership and it can be hard to imagine a time when you are not on the same page. Part of this planning should be about the life you want to build together. Couples who attend Mediation…

  • Inter-Generational Mediation

    Living arrangements in Canada look very different than the families of the 1950 and 60’s. In fact, multigenerational households (housing three or more generations) are increasing faster than all family household types. This is happening for a variety of reasons, personal choice, financial circumstances, aging population, cultural preferences, and a housing shortage.  This living arrangement…

  • Family Business, Partnerships

    A family business is a commercial venture in which family members are involved. There are many benefits to setting up or participating in managing a family business; the most common is the shared sense of loyalty and commitment to goals enabling a sense of stability between family members. Family businesses also tend to be more…

  • Coaching

    Conflicts can be overwhelming, making it more difficult to see a path for advocacy and peace. Christine offers her clients confidential one-to-one coaching sessions to navigate the emotional turmoil of a conflict and a means to identify their needs in building the next steps. With compassion and direction, Christine uses the Insight approach to facilitate…

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